Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer?

Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer?

Powder has been used for generations as a baby fragrance as well as to keep the skin dry and avoid rashes. Some women also use powder in the vagina as a way to keep the vagina dry and fragrant. But behind his gentleness, powder saves secrets that are more troubling.

Based on a series of scientific studies and research collected since the last few decades, health experts are increasingly pushing women to no longer sow powder to scent their intimate areas. They voiced firmly that this habit can increase the risk of ovarian cancer by 20-30 percent. How come?

What is contained in powder?
Talcum powder is widely used in cosmetic products such as baby powder and body powder, facial powder, and in a number of other consumer products. Powder is also often used by women as a way to keep the vagina cool, rough, and free of odors.

Classic powder on the market contains talcum. Talcum is a fine grain produced from the process of crushing, drying, and grinding talc clay minerals. In its most natural form, talcum as a result of the mining process also contains other minerals, such as magnesium, silicon and asbestos.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO, classifies talc as "likely carcinogenic to humans" based on studies of use in the genital area. Meanwhile, asbestos is known to be a rare trigger for lung cancer, especially if inhaled.

How can powder on the vagina cause ovarian cancer?
Even though all commercial powder is guaranteed to be free from asbestos, this powder still contains super fine talcum fiber which takes years to dissolve. Scientists believe when powder is sprinkled into the genital area (into panties; or on the pantyliner surface), the fine grains are carried into the body via the vagina - through the uterus and along the fallopian tubes to the ovary, creating buildup and triggering inflammatory reactions similar to the effects asbestos carcinogens in the lungs.

The Cancer Prevention Research study, which involved nearly 2,000 women, found no direct relationship between how much powder was used and the risk of cancer: use ranged from every day to only occasionally.

This study supports a number of other studies, including a 2003 analysis that combined 16 studies that found an increase in the risk of ovarian cancer by 30 percent among women using powder.

However, individually, even if a woman is at risk of ovarian cancer, the possibility of an increased risk of using powder is fairly small. A woman's average lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is less than 2%, so a 30% increase will only slightly increase your risk.

On the other hand, many experts argue that research like this can be biased because it is more likely to rely on the relative memory of the respondents of the study of the history of the use of powder from previous years.

What can I do to avoid the risk of ovarian cancer?
Talc is widely used in many cosmetic and personal hygiene products, so it is important to determine whether the increase in risk is real. If you are worried about using products that contain talc, the best protection is to limit your exposure.

As suggested by the American Cancer Society, corn starch-based cosmetic powder products may be a safer alternative because until now there is no evidence linking cornstarch powder to the development of cancer.

If you have a problem with a moist vagina, especially when menstruating or experiencing vaginal discharge, do not use powder at all. Simply clean your vagina with warm water, at least twice a day, to expel germs and bacteria.

You can also use feminine cleansers containing povidone-iodine to prevent vaginal infections, especially during menstruation. After washing the vagina, do not forget to always dry it first before wearing back underwear.

To keep the vagina dry. If you are prone to sweating in the vaginal area, doctors recommend wearing cotton-based clothing and frequently changing clean underwear, avoiding wearing tight pants, or even removing panties during the night's sleep (to give your intimate area a chance to breathe).

Lastly, it is important to note that based on the above research, powder is not the only direct actor of cancer of any kind, but it is highly suspected that it can worsen the risks and symptoms. Every woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer is urged to consider the possible interconnectedness of the disease with a history of using powder.




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