Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know

Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know

As with skin and hair that will change with age, women's sex organs are the same. Gradually, you may realize that the shape of the vagina is not the same as a few years before. So, for how to treat the vagina itself, is there a difference that must be considered?

How do you treat your vagina according to your age?
Vaginal changes usually begin when a woman has entered puberty. Stepping on this time, you are advised to be more diligent in maintaining the health of your vagina as a whole. Come on, find out about how to care for your personal organs!

How to treat your vagina in your 20s

The peak of female sex hormones - such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone - is increasing rapidly at this age. Especially for those of you who are married and actively having sex, the vagina is at risk of being attacked by various microbes that cause disease.

In order to keep your vagina healthy, you are encouraged to urinate regularly after having sex. The goal is to prevent bacteria, which can come and stick anywhere, such as hands, condoms, or penis. So, bacteria that might stick will be released through the urethra. Moreover, the location of the vagina which is close to the urethra so as to facilitate the spread of bacteria to other body parts.

In addition, as much as possible avoid vaginal douche and clean the vagina using betel leaf soap.

Instead, just wash with water. Although it can provide freshness, but there is still the risk of danger that follows afterwards. Because it will make vaginal pH unbalanced, which in turn increases your risk of infection.

No need to worry because actually the vagina has the natural ability to cleanse itself. This process involves vaginal vaginal discharge which is responsible for cleansing while protecting the vagina from irritation.

How to treat your vagina in your 30s

Entering this age, it is prone to hormonal changes that will cause the labia minora area to darken. The factor of ever giving birth also makes the vagina become more tenuous and loses some of its elasticity. In fact, not infrequently, the vagina sometimes feels dry as a sign of physical symptoms because the body begins to enter a period of temporary menopause.

Well, to work around this, try to start a balanced diet to maintain the health of your vagina. A director of women's sexual dysfunction treatment at the Stanford University Medical Center in California, Leah Millheiser, MD, said that probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt can help prevent infections and other problems that the vagina can experience.

On the other hand, Kegel exercises are believed to be able to help re-close the vagina after giving birth. Gymnastics that have a myriad of positive benefits play a role in strengthening your pelvic floor which can reduce intestinal, bladder, and make love sessions more enjoyable.

How to treat your vagina in your 40s

Menopause in women usually occurs in the age range of 45-55 years. Before entering the actual menopause, women will experience a pre-menopausal period first.

This condition is characterized by decreased estrogen levels in the body, making the vaginal wall drier than usual. The part of the labia in the vagina also appears to be looser due to reduced fat composition.

If this happens, you can talk to your doctor about using safe vaginal lubricants to deal with dryness. Also, try to slip more time into the warm-up session before having sex. You can also try various new positions when sex makes it easier for movement in the joints and muscles of the body.

But don't forget to keep doing kegel exercises regularly in your 40s. Health experts also recommend that you do a pap smear regularly every three years. In order to detect if there is a development of cancer cells in the cervix so prevention can be done immediately.

How to treat the vagina at the age of 50 years and above

After going through the transition period before menopause, now at the age of 50 years and over you may have really experienced menopause. This condition will affect the amount of estrogen in the body which results in the size of the vulva, vagina, and cervix becoming smaller and pale.

Vaginal fluid production will decrease with decreasing estrogen levels, making you less comfortable during sex. Vaginal care at this age is actually not much different from before, make sure you keep on routinely regulating a balanced diet, exercise, health checks especially those related to sex organs, urinating after having sex, and so forth.

You can also add several types of foods that can help treat vaginal dryness, such as soybeans, edamame, tofu, and tempeh. Margaret Nachtigall, MD, as a lecturer in gynecology at New York University, explained that these food sources contain isoflavones, which are compounds that resemble the hormone estrogen.

Regardless of changes in age level, you should consult further with the doctor regarding how to treat the vagina properly if you experience a complaint that is considered unusual in this genital organ.




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